Untuk memaksimal peran Tera Indonesia Consulting dalam penguatan keterbukaan informasi dan pelindungan data, tim ini dibagi menjadi 3 berdasarkan kapasitas dan jenis layanan. Tiga tim bekerja secara kolaboratif untuk memberikan layanan terbaik.
- Fasilitator dan Trainer Pelatihan Keterbukaan Informasi Publik untuk DPR RI, Bawaslu RI, Bawaslu Provinsi dan Bawaslu Kabupaten/Kota; KPU RI dan KPU, KPU Provinsi dan KPU Kabupaten/Kota (2015 – sekarang)
- Penyusun Modul Seni Mengelola Keterbukaan Informasi Publik di KPU (2016)
- Penyusun Modul Menyemarakkan Demokrasi Desa (2017)
- Penyusun Modul Panduan Implementasi UU KIP di Bawaslu, Bawaslu RI (2018)
- Penyusun Modul Mengelola Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pemilu, KPU RI (2017)
- Penyusun Modul Implementasi UU Pemda, Article 33 (2019)
- Penyusun Modul Parlemen Pemuda (2006)
- Penyusun Tools Monev Transparansi DPR, 2018 dan 2019
- Penyusun Tools Monev Transparansi Bawaslu, 2017, 2018 dan 2019
- Penyusun Tools Monev Transparansi KPU 2016 dan 2017
- Penyusun Tools Indeks Kinerja Legislasi (2021)
- Anotasi UU Nomor 14 Tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik
- Public Information Disclosure: Mapping the Understanding of Multiple Actors in Corruption-Prone Indonesian Provinces (Journal Policy & Governance Review, September 2020)
- Arguments on Information Secrecy Made by Public Agencies in Indonesia: A Case Study in the Disputes over Access to Information, 2010-2016 (Journal Development and Society, Desember 2017)
- Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant: Sepuluh Tahun Komisi Informasi di Indonesia (Conference Simposium Nasional Quo Vadis Lembaga Negara Independen, 15 April 2022)
- Government Transparency During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Good Information Governance? (Journal KnE Social Sciences, 15 Maret 2022)
- Miracle 14: Transparency in Indonesia’s State-Owned Enterprises (Jurnal Bisnis & Birokrasi, 2021)
- Public Information Disclosure and the Pursuit of Citizen Trust in Local Government (Conference Singapore International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference – SIMAC, Desember 2019)
- Legal Framework of Contract Disclosure of Oil and Gas, Mineral and Coal Sector in Indonesia (PWYP, 2020)
- Policy Brief: Transparansi Kontrak dan Perizinan dalam Industri Ekstraktif (PWYP, 2017)
- Industri Migas dan Tantangan Pencegahan Celah Korupsi di Indonesia (PWYP, 2018)
- Problematika Hukum Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan di Indonesia (Jurnal Belantara, Maret 2021)
- dan lain-lain
- Conexus Eko
- Muhammad Mukhlisin
- Qualysoft Excellence Centre, Senior Frontend Engineer, Developing Core E-Tax Indonesia
- Unity Singapore, Senior Software Engineer, working remote on their client wwt technolgy based on USA
- Magloft or Liv.It International, Fullstack Developer, Developing web Admin, Api, Portal Publisher and Integrate Contentful
- Informatika Solusi Bisnis, Software Engineer, Developing Product Data Studio & Paques Media Intelligence Mode on Cloud & on Premise using
- Temu Tech, Fullstack Developer, Fullstack engineer for developing Mobile Application IOS & Android and adding features many more
- Datacomm Diangraha, Fullstack Developer, Developing Product Digius, and join project on Axa Mandiri, and Project Fluid Bandwith at PT Telkom International
- Multimedia Arto Sentosa, Fullstack Developer, Project PIMS (Pipeline Integrity Management System) at PGN Solution, and Build New Dashboard for PT PGN Persero, and join project WI/WP (Work Instruction/Work Procedure) at PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia
- Portal data PPID se-Indonesia, https://data.kebebasaninformasi.org
- Portal open data parlemen, daftar data Anggota DPR RI, oppar.openparliament.id
- Portal open data Bawaslu RI, opendatabawaslu.go.id
- Portal data science Indonesia https://datascience.or.id
- Project Web Apps and APIS Fluid Bandwith and Setting Microservices on Ubiqube Apps PT Telkom International https://fluidbandwidth.telin.co.id/login
- Sistem Informasi Manajemen Sengketa Informasi, Komisi Informasi Pusat RI, https://simsi.komisiinformasi.go.id/
- Portal openparliament.id, kebebasaninformasi.org, energihijau.openparliament.id.